Setup Requirements
This workshop is hands-on, so participants are encouraged to bring in and use their own laptops to insure the proper setup of tools for an efficient workflow once you leave the workshop. (We will provide instructions on setting up the required software several days in advance) There are no pre-requisites, and we will assume no prior knowledge about the tools.
Contact: Please email [email protected] for questions and information not covered here.
Internet Instructions
Please make sure you have connection to the University Wireless network (UniWireless). If you can't connect to UniWireless and are part of an Australia Higher Education Institutions, you can connect to EduRoam using your institution email and password.
If you do not have UniWireless or EduRoam, we will try to provide a visitor wireless account. However, in the case of network failure, please provide your own connections such as modem / cellphone tethering
Tools Setup Instructions:
To participate in this workshop, you will need working copies of the software described below. Please make sure to install everything and try opening it to make sure it works before the start of your workshop. If you run into any problems, please feel free to email the instructor or arrive early to your workshop on the first day. Participants should bring and use their own laptops to insure the proper setup of tools for an efficient workflow once you leave the workshop.
1. Web Browsers
We will use Chrome and Firefox. If you don't have both, please do install Chrome from and Firefox from
2. Google Forms
Google Forms is a free service to create web based forms.
Please make sure you have a Google account. If you don't have one, you can get it here : Google Account Sign Up page
3. Kobo Toolbox
Kobo Toolbox is a free service to do mobile data collection.
Please make sure you have a Kobo Toolbox account. If you don't have one, you can get it here :
4. Tabula
Tabula is a free tool to get data from PDF.
Download and install tabula from
5. Scraper Chrome Extension
Scraper is a free Chrome Extension to get tabular data from websites.
Download and install Scraper from
6. Table Tools 2 - Firefox Extension
Table Tools 2 is a free Firefox Extension to get tabular data from websites
Download and install Table Tools 2 from
7. Outwit Hub
Outwit Hub is a freemium software to scrape websites.
Download and install Outwit Hub from
You do not need to get the pro version. Please use the version you downloaded - the free version.
8. Kimono Desktop
Kimono Desktop is a free software to scrape websites and turn them into APIs
Download and install Kimono Desktop from
You will also need to download Kimino Desktop Chrome Extension