Google Forms - Extending

Extending Google Forms

Google Forms allows you to extend the functionality of Google form

Using add ons to extend google form functionality

What is addons ?

  • It is an extension of Google Forms
  • It allows you to add functionality to the google form OR
  • It allows you to connect other service to the google form

How to add addons :

  • click on add-ons
  • click on get add-ons


  • Find and add an add-ons that will sent an email to the form respondent email
  • hint (the name is form notification)
  • try setting up the add-ons and test it using your own email

Using Google Script to add functionality

You can extend the functionality of google form by coding your own function using google script

  • click on tools
  • click on script editor

see more on google script documentation

Using a new version of Google Form

Google form currently trying out new version that is still in beta. We are currently using the new version of Google Form

However, you can also opt-in and try the beta

What's next

You have completed the web survey using Google Form lessons !

After this you can try delving more on Google form by going through the app scripts or by delving more in the add on store.

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