Google Forms - Collaboration
Collaboration with Google Forms
Google forms allow you to collaborate with each other
- you can share the data file (google sheets)
- or you can share the form design (google form)
- sharing the google form design also shares the data
How to start collaboration
- click on ... section in the top right of the form
- click on add collaborators
There are two ways to add collaborators
- by sending the link
Google form provide a link that you can copy paste to the other people. However you will need to set up permission for the link first by clicking "change" in the permission dialog
- by sending via email
If you put the email address of people you want to collaborate with, google forms will auto add them to your form
- set your sharing permission to public
- in pairs, send your form collaboration request to each other
- add a question to the each other's form
Prefilled form
Besides sharing the form as a blank form, you can create a pre-filled form that already has some of its question filled
- go to ... section in the top right position of the form
- get prefilled form link