Kobo Toolbox - Multilanguage

Multi language in Kobo Toolbox

Kobo Toolbox provide a method to design a form using spreadsheet. The method will be using XLSForm, a file format of XLS but yet using a certain rule so that it can represent a form. You can upload and download XLS form to Kobo Toolbox.

Check more on the XLSForm http://xlsform.org

  • try download the XLSForm of the mobile buildings survey

You can also add a question directly on the form by editing it and filling the respective column


Add a question to the kobo toolbox, "where do you live ?" , with the type is text and import it back into kobo toolbox. Remember to change the form title and the form id to avoid conflict with existing forms.

Adding multiple language support

By editing the XLSForm file, you're also able to add translation of your form in different languages.

The way to do that is by adding a column called label:LanguageName (for example label:Australia) beside the label column in the XLS File.

example :

label label:Japanese
What is your name ? あなたのお名前は何ですか


Work in pairs with the one beside you and add one / two languages to the XLSForm and upload it to Kobo Toolbox. Try deploying it and see how it looks like in the mobile device

What's next

Congratulations ! You have reached the end of this leesson.

If you are interested more in learning more about Kobo Toolbox, kobo toolbox currently have a new, beta version with improved question management features. Access the new kobo toolbox in http://www.kobotoolbox.org/beta

If you want to learn more about data acquisition is that you can learn how to get data from various other sources :

  • Internet of Things
  • Data Portal
  • Open Data
  • APIs from company such as Google and others
  • Social media data such as Facebook and Twitter.

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