Kobo Toolbox - Form Creation

Create a new Kobo Toolbox Form

You create a new Kobo Toolbox Form via the Kobo Toolbox interface.

  • login to your Kobo Toolbox account Kobo Toolbox
  • Go to the form section (make sure it shows Forms in the top left)
  • Click on the add form button

Congratulations ! You have made your first Kobo Toolbox !

Kobo Toolbox Form Interface

The Kobo Toolbox form interface is separated into 3 main area :

  • the menu bar
  • the form title bar
  • the form question area

The main area here that we will working on is the form question area

Adding a question

Kobo toolbox has many question types, more than google form has

First, let us change the form header

  • click on the form title area
  • change it to "mobile data collection survey - buildings"

Second, let's create a question to ask for the name of the building.

  • click on the + sign button
  • type the name of the question "what is the name of the building ?"
  • set the question type to text

It should look like this :

Viewing the form

After you've edit the question, click on the preview form in the top

Your form will be shown :

Now save and exit the form.

Congratulations ! You have created your first Kobo Toolbox form !


Add more questions to the form !

  • Add a image question "get a picture of the building"
  • Ada a gps "get the location of the building"
  • note : make sure to set both of them as non-required (to avoid having issues of GPS problem later on)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""